The Grissom High School Marching Tiger Band consists of instrument-playing members in the three band classes, plus the Color Guard. The Marching Band attends football games throughout the football season, performs a pre-game show at all home football games, marches in local and invitational parades as well as performs the half-time shows and goes to 2 to 3 marching contests held on Saturdays during the fall with a short rehearsal prior to departure. Occasionally this is an overnight trip. Refer to trip information included in the Band Handbook.
A schedule of summer band practices is distributed and posted on MyMusicOffice each Spring. "Rookie Camp" is for incoming freshmen and anyone else who will march with the Grissom Band for the first time that fall. "Rookie Camp" usually lasts 5 days and is normally held the week after school ends. "Pre-camp" is held for three days prior to Band Camp where the marching music is learned and marching fundamentals practiced. The following week is "Band Camp". These two weeks are required for all marching band members.
Color Guard (additional cast members as needed)
Mondays - 6-9pm / Tuesdays - 6-8:30pm / Thursdays - 6-8:30pm (It normally takes 10-15 minutes for the students to return their instruments/equipment to the band room before they are ready to depart the band room)
Mondays - 6:00-9:00pm / Tuesdays - 6-8:30pm / Thursdays - 6-8:30pm (It normally takes 10-15 minutes for the students to return their instruments/equipment to the band room before they are ready to depart the band room)
Full Marching Band - Color Guard and Percussion included
Tuesdays - 6-8:30pm / Thursdays - 6-8:30pm / (Wednesday - 4:00-5:45 IF there is a Thursday game) (It normally takes 10-15 minutes for the students to return their instruments/equipment to the band room before they are ready to depart the band room)
GAME DAYS (Fridays and a few Thursdays)
4:00-4:30pm (Run through of the pre-game and contest show) (It normally takes 10-15 minutes for the students to return their instruments/equipment to the band room before they are ready to depart the band room)
Other Marching Band Rehearsals
When we have a Thursday night game scheduled, we will rehearse on Wednesday after school from 4:00-5:45pm. (It normally takes 10-15 minutes for the students to return their instruments/equipment to the band room before they are ready to depart the band room)
The Grissom High School Marching Tiger Band consists of instrument-playing members in the three band classes, plus the Color Guard. The Marching Band attends football games throughout the football season, performs a pre-game show at all home football games, marches in local and invitational parades as well as performs the half-time shows and goes to 2 to 3 marching contests held on Saturdays during the fall with a short rehearsal prior to departure. Occasionally this is an overnight trip. Refer to trip information included in the Band Handbook.
A schedule of summer band practices is distributed and posted on MyMusicOffice each Spring. "Rookie Camp" is for incoming freshmen and anyone else who will march with the Grissom Band for the first time that fall. "Rookie Camp" usually lasts 5 days and is normally held the week after school ends. "Pre-camp" is held for three days prior to Band Camp where the marching music is learned and marching fundamentals practiced. The following week is "Band Camp". These two weeks are required for all marching band members.
Color Guard (additional cast members as needed)
Mondays - 6-9pm / Tuesdays - 6-8:30pm / Thursdays - 6-8:30pm (It normally takes 10-15 minutes for the students to return their instruments/equipment to the band room before they are ready to depart the band room)
Mondays - 6:00-9:00pm / Tuesdays - 6-8:30pm / Thursdays - 6-8:30pm (It normally takes 10-15 minutes for the students to return their instruments/equipment to the band room before they are ready to depart the band room)
Full Marching Band - Color Guard and Percussion included
Tuesdays - 6-8:30pm / Thursdays - 6-8:30pm / (Wednesday - 4:00-5:45 IF there is a Thursday game) (It normally takes 10-15 minutes for the students to return their instruments/equipment to the band room before they are ready to depart the band room)
GAME DAYS (Fridays and a few Thursdays)
4:00-4:30pm (Run through of the pre-game and contest show) (It normally takes 10-15 minutes for the students to return their instruments/equipment to the band room before they are ready to depart the band room)
Other Marching Band Rehearsals
When we have a Thursday night game scheduled, we will rehearse on Wednesday after school from 4:00-5:45pm. (It normally takes 10-15 minutes for the students to return their instruments/equipment to the band room before they are ready to depart the band room)

Percussion Section
The percussion section’s summer practices will be decided in the Spring each year. Percussion Camps are held during the summer, with clinicians brought in to work with the section. All of these rehearsals are very important and attendance is required. Summer percussion rehearsal schedules are given as soon as possible depending upon the clinicians’ schedule. All members of the percussion section will pay the instrument rental fee for all 3 semesters; summer, fall and spring.
The percussion section’s summer practices will be decided in the Spring each year. Percussion Camps are held during the summer, with clinicians brought in to work with the section. All of these rehearsals are very important and attendance is required. Summer percussion rehearsal schedules are given as soon as possible depending upon the clinicians’ schedule. All members of the percussion section will pay the instrument rental fee for all 3 semesters; summer, fall and spring.

Color Guard
Members of the Color Guard are selected by auditions held in May of each year. All of the members of the Guard are scheduled in one of the band classes as playing members or in the Color Guard class. Prior to auditions a clinic is held after school at Grissom to teach basic flag techniques and dance coordination. This clinic is required for all students auditioning for a position in the Guard. Parental permission forms and grade sheets are also required before a student can audition. An overall 70 average in all academic classes at the end of the spring semester is required to be a member of the color guard.
Membership in the Color Guard includes:
Members of the Color Guard are selected by auditions held in May of each year. All of the members of the Guard are scheduled in one of the band classes as playing members or in the Color Guard class. Prior to auditions a clinic is held after school at Grissom to teach basic flag techniques and dance coordination. This clinic is required for all students auditioning for a position in the Guard. Parental permission forms and grade sheets are also required before a student can audition. An overall 70 average in all academic classes at the end of the spring semester is required to be a member of the color guard.
Membership in the Color Guard includes:
- Attendance at summer rehearsals—two days a week from 6:00 to 8:00 AM beginning in June. Family vacations are excused, but guard members are expected to only miss a few of these rehearsals. It is very easy to get behind.
- Attendance at Guard Camps—week-long camps scheduled in June and July at Grissom. Our Color Guard Instructor will be here to teach equipment work for the marching drill and work on fundamentals of choreography and dance movement. Any member missing these camps could be chosen as an alternate.
- Paying Band Dues—as set each year by the Grissom Band Parents Association. These dues covers the cost of Guard Camp, Pre Camp, Band Camp, uniform rental, shows flags, rifles and sabers, transportation to football games, contests, and a general operational fee. These dues or a partial are due at the first Guard Camp in June. A payment plan can be set up with our treasurers if needs arise.
- Wearing a "Spirit Uniform" on game days—uniform pieces consist of orange shorts, white jersey, white GHS sweatshirt, white "Keds" tennis shoes, and white socks. Each member is responsible for purchasing this "spirit uniform", which is not included in the band fees.
- Maintenance of flags/rifles—Each guard member is responsible for the purchase of a practice flag and/or rifle. Performance flags and rifles are supplied by the band.
- Following all rules and regulations of the Grissom High School Band of which you are a member.

Concert season, which begins immediately after football season, is the major part of our music program. Grissom has three performing bands:
- Symphonic Band 1
- Symphonic Band 2
- Concert Band
Performances: Required!
All three bands perform at the following:
November - Fall Concert (when scheduled)
- Veteran's Day Parade on occasion
December - Christmas Concert
February - Symphonic/Concert Band Camp performance
March - Alabama MPA (Music Performance Assessment)
March /April - Spring Concert Festival/Competition. (when scheduled)
April/May - Spring Trip (destination varies)
May - Spring Concert / Graduation Exercises
Sometimes the Symphonic Band 1 or 2 will receive an invitation to perform at a convention or festival during the Spring and will have an additional band trip.
After School Symphonic/Concert Band rehearsal schedule
Symphonic Band 1 - Every Tuesday 3:45-5:30pm.
Symphonic Band 2 - Every Thursday 3:45-5:30pm.
Concert Band - Every Monday 3:45-5:30pm.
Wednesday afternoons will be open for sectionals with any band and any section. These will be announced at least a week in advance.
These rehearsals continue through April and are part of your grade each 9 weeks. Please begin now making arrangements to attend these required rehearsals such as lesson schedules, work schedules, etc. Sectionals can be called at least one week in advance for Wednesday afternoons for any section in any band.
Concert Season Band Camp
During the early part of the 2nd semester each year, all three bands participate in a Concert Season Band Camp. Students will be involved in full band rehearsals with a guest conductor; master classes on their respective instruments with guest faculty, recitals by guest faculty and Grissom students, clinics, and perform an informal concert at the conclusion of the camp. Grissom began this program in 1995. These camps are held from Thursday starting at 4pm through the Saturday afternoon final concert. This is a required activity which is included as part of your Band Fees.

Membership in the "A" and "B" Jazz Bands is determined by an audition held each spring. Except for piano, guitar, bass, drums, and vocalist, you must be a member of one of the concert bands to be a member of either jazz band. All non-concert band members will be assessed a general band due at the beginning of each year. (Go here to see fees) All brass players will be responsible for acquiring the following mutes: straight, harmon, and plunger. The jazz bands could perform throughout the school year at different city and community functions, some of which earn money for the jazz band account. In addition to these performances, one or both of the jazz bands perform at the following: (after-school rehearsals could be held prior to a performance)
December - Holiday Concert
February/March - Winter Jazz Concert possibly
Spring - Selected Contest/Festival
May - Spring Jazz Concert
Other performances as announced
Membership in the "A" and "B" Jazz Bands is determined by an audition held each spring. Except for piano, guitar, bass, drums, and vocalist, you must be a member of one of the concert bands to be a member of either jazz band. All non-concert band members will be assessed a general band due at the beginning of each year. (Go here to see fees) All brass players will be responsible for acquiring the following mutes: straight, harmon, and plunger. The jazz bands could perform throughout the school year at different city and community functions, some of which earn money for the jazz band account. In addition to these performances, one or both of the jazz bands perform at the following: (after-school rehearsals could be held prior to a performance)
December - Holiday Concert
February/March - Winter Jazz Concert possibly
Spring - Selected Contest/Festival
May - Spring Jazz Concert
Other performances as announced