Grissom Band Fundraisers
Mattress Fundraiser (annually in October)
Sunday, October 27th 11am-5pm All information can be found on the Mattress Sale Facebook page by going HERE. Click HERE for the Student Personal Referral Sheet. Put your student's name at the bottom and ask the customer to turn it in at the sale when they purchase a new mattress! Earn $$ per mattress with each referral sheet! Summer Car Washes
Car washes are held during the summer months where students and parents can work to earn credits towards their band fees. Dates are determined and set up before school is out and published on the band calendar. Tickets can be pre sold too. Information will be emailed out about dates and how to earn credits. #1 /#2 /#3 - at Bryant Bank in Jones Valley (Corner of Four Mile Post Road & Bailey Cove Road) from 10 am until 2 pm. Participation in the car washes will help with your band fees. You do not have to work the entire car wash or every car wash; however, the more you work, the more you make! Participants should arrive around 9:30 am and bring $3 towards a pizza lunch. Pre-Sale Tickets are $5 each or it will be $8 per car the day of the car wash. You will earn 100% of your pre-sale ticket sales. If you work the day of the car wash, 90% of the total sales and 100% of the tips will be divided up evenly within the workers present. Fruit Sale
December 13 & 14 Pickup will be at CubeSmart only this year on Friday December 13th from 7 am -6pm and Saturday, December 14 from 8am-5pm CubeSmart address is: 11202 South Memorial Parkway, 35803 Near Meadowbrook Drive on Memorial Parkway Link to online pre-order FORM Link to online pre-order site HERE Any pre-orders not picked up by 2pm on Saturday will be considered a donation to Grissom Band. Von Braun Center Activities
Throughout the year the VBC has events that the Grissom Band parents/members can work. Earn Credit Toward Your Student’s Fees!! Every hour you volunteer with the VBC concessions ~ your student receives $8.00 credit toward band fees!! Open to students age 16+, parents, grandparents and anyone interested in earning credits for their student. Email for more information [email protected] Visit the VBC website for event specifics. Playhouse events are not open for Band volunteers. Please request as a "shift" times available instead of by specific event times. Information on where to go, how to get there and what to wear: You will park in the south hall garage which is on Clinton at Pollard. To get to the office, you will go up the stairs, or elevator, and head toward the box office/arena, going past the box office towards 5 gray door to the arena. Just to the right of those doors is a single gray door. Go through that single door, down the hall to the elevator. Take the elevator down to the lower level. The office is the second door in the right. You need to wear all black and tennis shoes and they will be provide a black chef coat to wear during the event. |
Scrip Gift Cards NOW RaiseRight
Click HERE to go to the website to SIGN UP and see how to order gift cards for your everyday purchases or even large household items. You can also download the app to your phone and buy e-gift cards or regular cards from the app. Use this enrollment code to support the Grissom Band and your student: 386E4BBE8924
How does this work?
Rebate Spend per Month Earn per Month Earn per Year Grocery 2.5% $400 $10 $120 Gas 2.5% $200 $5 $60 Dining Out 8% $200 $16 $192 Clothing 8% $150 $12 $144 Home Improvement 4% $100 $4 $48 Online Shopping 5% $100 $5 $60 Total $624 Amount to the Band: (60%): $374 Amount towards Student's Account: (40%): $250 How do I take advantage of this fundraiser?
Make a Tax Deductible Donation to the band: